Category: Programming

  • Light Fall wins Best Hardcore Game at Game Connection!

    Hey everyone, it’s been a while! We thought this news would be perfect to begin a new post with, so here we go… Last weekend, Light Fall won the ‘Best Hardcore Game’ award at Game Connection Europe in Paris! This win puts the cherry on top of a great few months of nominations and accolades…

  • Light Fall: Pushing the Immersion One Step Further

    Hey everyone! First of all, we know we have been pretty quiet about the game for the past few months. It was an uncharacteristic behavior from us, as we usually try to keep the updates rolling every month or so. We’d like to apologize for the radio silence, but rest assured that it’s not because…

  • Light Fall Update: New Steam Beta!

    Hey guys! It’s been some time since our last update about the game. The truth is we have been working on a new Steam build for our beta. Beta access was one of our Kickstarter rewards and it was a way for us to keep getting feedback with our fans throughout the development. A big…